Thursday, May 14, 2009

Help save Nur Aisha

A BURGER seller from Tanjong Tokong in Penang is appealing to the public to help save his nine-month-old daughter’s life.

Mohd Husaif Hussein, 24, is worried sick as his daughter, Nur Aisha Sofia, is in dire need of funds for a major heart surgery.

Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong said doctors told him the operation must be performed within the next 10 days or the girl would be in “great danger”.

“Her heart is failing and her parents cannot afford the RM45,000 medical bill,” said Liew.

“There are only four surgeons in Malaysia able to perform this operation — all of whom are in private hospitals. Only one surgeon is in Penang.

“Her mother is a post office clerk and the family’s monthly household income is only RM1,500,” Liew told a press conference at the Penang Hospital on Saturday where Nur Aisha was warded.

He said the girl’s heart condition was discovered when she underwent a hernia operation last month for a swelling in the groin area, a condition that can occur in both genders.

“During the operation, she had difficulty breathing and turned blue. Her artery was not pumping blood to the brain.

“She actually suffers from two major heart problems — a hole in the heart and artery failure,” Liew said.

Those who wish to help Nur Aisha can call Liew’s chief of staff, Carol Lim at 012-2326101.

心脏有孔小女孩10天内需动手术 您愿意帮她吗?
Nur AishaSofia
升旗山区国会议员刘镇东呼吁各界人士向爱莎苏菲亚(Nur AishaSofia)小妹妹施予援助。
救人一命,胜造浮屠。有意帮助爱莎的人士,请联络刘镇东或他的秘书Carol Lim, 012-2326101。

此外,有意捐款予爱莎的热心人士,也可以开支票帮助她。支票抬头必须写着“Pulau Pinang Clinic Sdn Bhd”,然后在支票后面必须写着“For Hospital Bill of Nur Aisha Sofia”,同时,也必须填上爱莎的出生纸号码“BZ90607”,以及身份证号码“080730-07-0370”。

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