Monday, December 29, 2008

Body Detox

How Do You Detox Your Body ?

What is Body Toxins ?

Body Toxins - The Human Toxic Burden"Pollution affects everything from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, the food we eat and the quality of life we enjoy. Today, pollution, this century's black plague, the curse of rapid industrialization fueled by population growth, is everywhere and the toll on world health is staggering. The impact of the environment and human health is a central component of naturopathic medicine and is becoming more of more of heart of the science of medicine." Dr. Walter Crinnion (extract from

Detox is short for detoxification and invovles the removing of toxic substances from the bloodstream. The human body has a natural detox function through the liver, kidneys and lower gastrointestinal tract. Before learning how to detox, you need to understand the basics of how your body cleanses itself: The liver attempts to keep the body clean as it denies other toxins from entering the blood stream, however, over time, the body is exposed to so many toxins that this natural fight mechanism can wear down. (extract from

How Do You Detox Your Body ?
You Do this ?
Me ? Non of the above. I am a lazy guy and i do not like to spend a whole lot of time and money for so call detoxicatin of body. There are far too many advertisement around on how to detox your body and all involve a lot of money by those so call professional.
Then how do i detox my body ? It is very easy and FREE. On a sunny day when the sun is shinning above you, go to a street that lay with tars like below, (i don't mean you do this on an expressway, car will KILL YOU)

The BEST time to do it is between 12.00pm to 2.00pm where the sun is very hot and so do the street tar. Just take out your shoes and stand on the hot tar. You do not have to stand for long as it is burning hot. If you can stand for 5 seconds, then just 5 seconds and put your feet back to your shoes. Rest for a while and do that again for a total of 5 to 10 minutes will do. Do this regularly to detox yourself.

The hot and uneven tar will poke and massage your feet and thus will stimulate your blood circulations. You will sweat a lot and please clean yourself up after doing so. All those sweats are TOXIN in your body.
Cancer is actually toxin build up in the body. If you detox regularly with any method that deem fit, just DO IT.