Thursday, December 25, 2008

Antipodr Map

Antipodr, this is a very cool site. You just key in a address and it can pin point the location in longtitute and latitute.

I tested it and very impressed. I key in Jalan Kuchai Lama, who the hell in this world know about Jalan Kuchai Lama except those who are living in Kuala Lumpur or those who are so call related to the place.

Hey, you see the ballon is on Malaysia map and it show the longtitude and latitute. Let me zoom in and see.

Wow, that is Jalan Kuchai Lama. Now let see the satellite version.

Nice tool to find places.


Raymond Choo said...

Try this....very cool. I went to Kuala Ampang and i saw those street name like lorong xxx and i just key in the lorong name and it show me the exact location.
This will be cool to find a location before going there.