Monday, March 2, 2009

驚蟄打小人 Beat up Ass Hole

This coming thursday, 5th March 2009 is a special day. It is 驚蟄. This is the only day in a year whereby you can get even on those MOFU ass hole, back stabber, gold finger, your shit head boss or management or whoever that had stepped on your tail.


來說是非者,便是是非人 ?


This is my BEST 驚蟄打小人 Beat up Ass Hole. You know what i beat ? I beat the TOTO logo. TOTO is the company that have the lotto jackpot. I beat and curse them until they let me win the BIG one... the few millions ringgit jackpot.

This is the very mild version of my 驚蟄打小人, my actual version cannot be shown here as it contain too much violent and foul language with all those flowery and crabs curse and it cannot be shown to those who are under 18.

如果你在去年事事唔多順,頭頭碰著黑,有可能命犯小人, 這樣可以在「驚蟄」日打小人,為自己轉個好運。

Steps to Beat MOFU asshole


Little asshole shirt where you can buy from those shops that sell praying staff but now people had change to use those MOFU asshole picture. Fat pork, praying shirt, praying money, praying incense, tofu, some vege, rice and rice wine.


1. 先在小人紙寫上你對付的小人名字。
Write the name of MOFU asshole on the shirt.

2. 用鞋底打寫了小人名字的小人紙,打的時候口中不斷唸唸有詞,例如「打你小人頭,打到你有氣冇定透……」等
Use your shoe (the best is old and dirty smelly shoe) to wheck the shirt with MOFU asshole name and curse all the way until you run out of energy to wreck.

3. 打完後將小人衣及金銀衣紙、香燭焚燒。
After wrecking the MOFU asshole, just burn all those paper money and others.

4. 最後灑酒,便告完成。
Finish. The End of that MOFU asshole. He will feels very uneasy the whole day as he/she was wreck and cursed all the way.

You can beat up Ass Hole, Gold Finger, Back Stabber 打小人 online
this is cool. Just key in the MOFU name and start hitting.

If you feel whole body in pain and not very comfortable...haha... maybe you are just another victim of the day... you are somebody MOFU asshole.